Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Morning July 27, 2008

This is one of my most favorite places to sit and just breathe. It is behind the garage and just seems very private and peaceful. I am still working on it. The piece of ironwork was found on the property after we moved in. We believe it was attached to the front walkway in earlier days. We found two small marble pillars (they are hiding behind the pot on the right) that were probably attached to it at some point. I tried to grow a morning glory vine on it this season, but the rabbits had other ideas. I will try again next year!

The following pictures are what I see from my little patio. The cinder block wall will eventually be covered in a flagstone facing. The gardens are a work in progress with many more roses and perennials needed to fill in the space.

Partial shade garden under a Japanese Lilac tree.

I love our large oaks. More shade gardens.

In the distance you can see Pete's tomatoes and Indian corn.

My English roses along the fence and Pete's veggie garden.

And Pete, this is for you. Your tomatoes are finally turning red. When you return from your trip you should be able to dine upon fresh tomatoes!
Update on Legion District Tournament:
Nick DH'd last night. He had a single rbi and a single. Grounded out to second and popped out to right. If you would like to listen to the games live, go to
it will be on the AM1340 station at 7:00 tonight.

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