My poor garden! I have never had the rabbit problems that I am having now. They are eating everything in sight. My wonderful husband put chicken wire up around certain areas that contain roses, but we can not fence everything. This Asiatic lily below had at least six flower buds on each stem last night.....they are now gone as well as most of the leaves. I am sure that plant will live, but there will be no flowers from it this year.

This rose should have leaves on it. This whole little section of roses have been stripped clean. It now has chicken wire around it, so hopefully it will rebound.

And ....if it isn't the rabbits. It is some little green worm that has eaten most of the leaves on the roses. I have now turned to chemicals, which I do not like to use (bad for the earth) and have started spraying the entire garden. It's to bad chemicals do not work on rabbits :)
Arg! Little buggers! We live next to an open field and have a love/hate relationship with the coyotes out there.
First, they keep the rabbits in check. Second, they swiped one of our cats.
What can ya do? LOL
the Dad
Your prized roses :(
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