Today is Zach's birthday. He is 5, ask him, he will tell you and everybody else within earshot about it! I am unable to upload is birthday pictures and my techie is out of town so the Halloween picture will have to do. Zach had a busy day...preschool, lunch with mommy, icecream with daddy (everybody at Dairy Queen knows it is Zach's birthday too), pizza and cake at home. He is a pretty happy camper. Nicole is just praying he will go to sleep soon.
Yeah, it's a real bummer I missed it. I got him a fresh role of duct tape.
Happy birthday, Zach!! Seems just like last Thanksgiving I was holding little baby Zach....and a Happy birthday to Elizabeth today!! And wasn't it just two Thanksgivings ago that I was holding baby Elizabeth?....see you all soon!!
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