Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might.Psalm 21:12-13
I need to share my thankfulness tonight. This morning Nick and Tom were in a bit of an accident. The weather was terrible this morning and while Nick was driving to school, a car braked suddenly in front of him. He took evasive action and ended up off the road and took out a road sign. The boys are fine.....again, my thankfulness for the hand of God. The car, not so much. Nick orginally thought he just had a cracked windshield, but it turns out he has a punctured gas tank as well. So he is without wheels for awhile....back to depending on Mommy.
I'm so glad they are ok! God was protecting them for sure!
Amazing what can happen at "only 20 mph" including the snapping of a metal pole.
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