I watched little John today....he was sick. Doesn't he look sick? He had a little fever yesterday and Ash took him in to the Dr. who diagnosed him with ear infections (yes, two). His daycare requires him to be home for 24 hours after being sent home with a fever. So sadly, he had to stay with me. He is so difficult :) Sits and plays, takes 4 hour naps, kisses me.....oh the trials of my sad life.
Reminds me of a couple of little guys I know..:) He is adorable!!! I can't wait to see all the kiddies again in November....maybe next year, they can all come out here!!
I know that Nicole and kids really would like to come. We would need some more campers.
Or....if the neighbors next door go on their trip again the same weekend, we could "housesit" and use their 3 bedrooms.....they'd appreciate someone looking after their house that wouldn't trash it like the college kids did....I guess they did a number on their house and they had some things stolen, too (a laptop among other things). She was very apologetic for the trouble they caused...I told her they didn't bother us much...except when they took the mower for a spin at midnight.
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