Taylor is seven today. There is a slumber party going on in our house right now. We had Pete's homemade pizza, then the gang (Nicole and her two friends, Natalie and Jane, Ashley, Taylor, Elizabeth, Katelyn (
Tay's best friend from school) and Zach) went to see High School Musical 3. They just opened gifts and had cake. I believe there is an evening of finger nail painting, hair design and other such female pursuits ahead. I am a little concerned as they sleep (sleep?) directly over my head. Taylor
received many arts and crafts supplies....she should be able to stay busy for a very long time. There is a lot of little girl excitement and energy flowing through the house right now and yes, Pete is handling it just fine. He has done a might fine job with the special orders he has
received for pizza. He is making more as I type...for the late night appetites. He is just priming himself for our Thanksgiving feast weekend. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by such happiness.

The beautiful cake was made by Natalie and Jane.

Elizabeth, Taylor, Katelyn and Zach.